Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures

Grievance Procedure for Students

Silkroad Innovators Institute is committed to providing a high quality service to its students. The college has gained a good reputation and is keen to maintain and improve standards.
Students and group leaders, complete satisfaction questionnaires at the start and end of their course. The results are assessed by the management and appropriate action is taken, if necessary. Feedback is recorded and recurring comments are investigated and addressed.
However, on occasions standards may fall short of the levels expected and a formal complaint may be necessary. If this situation occurs, it is important that individuals are able to raise issues with the management and that a suitable resolution is found.
Whilst complaints are regrettable, they do enable the Silkroad to review procedures and improve standards. Silkroad has a strong ethos of open communication Feedback, both positive and negative is encouraged from all students.

Grievance Procedure for Employees of Silkroad

If an employee has a grievance against the institute or learners, it is important that issues are raised with the management and dealt with effectively. Silkroad Innovators Institute encourages openness and positive communication and is committed to ensuring that employees are listened to and supported.
Many issues can be resolved informally without the need to implement the formal grievance procedure. The Institute holds regular meetings and appraisals with staff and employees are encouraged to raise any concerns. However, in situations where this is not appropriate or informal discussions have failed to resolve the issue, the Institute grievance procedure is in place.

  • The employee must raise the matter formally with the management, ideally in writing.
  • The management will hold a formal meeting with the employee to discuss the issues as soon as possible. Following this meeting, the management must fully consider the issues and carry out the necessary investigation.
  • Employees can be accompanied to any meeting, if appropriate, however they must not distract from the employee who has made the formal complaint.
  • When all issues have been considered by the management, any action required must be communicated to the employee in writing.
  • Employees have the right to appeal if they do not feel that their grievance has been resolved satisfactorily or where they do not feel that they have been fairly treated.
  • Any appeals must be considered without delay and employees have the right to be accompanied at any appeal.